Monday, August 29, 2011

Other Drugs

Other drugs can be requested through patient assistance. The links below are associated with the drugs listed under them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bipolar Disorder

Below are companies that provide patient assistance for some bipolar medications. As well as information about the condition.*

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Lilly USA, LLC


Merck and Co., Inc.


*This is for information only and in no way is a diagnosis for your potential medical condition. You should consult with your medical doctor to determine your diagnosis.*

Bipolar Disorder Google Health reference

Young and Bipolar Article: Time Magazine


Below are companies that provide information for those seeking patient assistance for some ADHD / ADD medications.

Shire US, Inc

This is for information only and in no way is a diagnosis for your potential medical condition. You should consult with your medical doctor to determine your diagnosis.*

( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) Google Health reference

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Links Provided are in no way affiliated with Stat Family Care Moss Bluff, LLC.